

Welcome to the Rising Sun Inn where we aim for fantastic quality food at the best prices. Please note that all our food is locally sourced and free range to provide the best quality meals to our customers. The chefs would also like you to remember that this is not a fast food diner, this is a restaurant - so please accept there maybe a wait during busy periods but we will be as fast as possible.

We would like to thank you for your custom and look forward to seeing you back with us soon.

Best wishes from all the staff at
The Rising Sun.

Evening Menu

Soup of the Day
with Crusty Bread & Butter

Creamy Garlic Mushrooms
with Crusty Bread & Butter
Chicken Liver Pate
with Red Onion Chutney & Toasted Ciabatta
Jalepeno Poppers
Crispy Breaded Jalepeno Peppers Filled with Cream Cheese
with a Dressed Salad & Soured Cream
Greek Salad
Green Salad with Olives & Feta in a Balsamic Dressing
Half Pint of Prawns
Shell-on Prawns with Marie Rose Sauce & Bread

The Rising Sun Starter Combo
Ribs & Chicken Wings in Barbecue Sauce
with Onion Rings, Coleslaw, Tortillas, a Selection of Dips & a Dressed Salad
For 1 Person: £5.95                     For 2 People: £10.50

Evening Menu
Main Courses

Ribeye Steak
with Chips, Tomato, Mushrooms, Onion Rings & Dressed Salad

Rump Steak
with Chips, Tomato, Mushrooms, Onion Rings & Dressed Salad        
Fish Pie
Salmon, Cod, Smoked Haddock & Prawns in a Rich & Creamy Sauce, Topped with Mash
with a Dressed Salad & Crusty Bread

Duck Breast Salad
Duck Breast Coated in a Selection of Spices
On a Salad with the Chefs Favourite Dressing

Lime & Coriander Salmon
with New Potatoes & Salad

Curry of the Week
with Rice, Poppadom & Mango Chutney

Pie of the Week
with Mash, Gravy & Vegetables

Vegetable Lasagne
with a Dressed Salad & Crusty Bread

Vegetable Chilli
with Rice, Soured Cream and Tortilla Chips

The Rising Sun Cheeseburger
with Chips & Dressed Salad

Ham, Egg & Chips
Slow Roasted Gammon, Glazed with Honey and Mustard

Scampi, Chips & Peas

Beer Battered Cod, Chips & Peas

Chilli Con Carne
Spicy Beef Chilli with Rice, Soured Cream & Tortilla Chips

Side orders

Onion Rings                                      £2.50
Side Salad                                           £2.75
Chips                                                    £1.95
Cheesy Chips                                    £2.75
Bread & Butter                                 £1.50
Garlic Bread                                      £2.20
Cheesy Garlic Bread                      £2.95


Double Egg & Chips                                    £4.95

Ham, Egg & Chips                                         £5.50

Scampi, Chips & Peas                                 £5.50

Sausage, Mash & Gravy                             £5.25

Chicken Nuggets, Chips & Beans       £4.95

Fish Fingers, Chips & Beans                   £4.75



Creamy Garlic Mushrooms
with Bread & Butter

Jalepeno Poppers
Crispy Breaded Jalepeno Peppers Filled with Cream Cheese, with Salad & Soured Cream

Main Courses

Curry of the Week
with a Stack of Rice

Fish Pie
Salmon, Cod, Smoked Haddock & Prawns in a Rich & Creamy Sauce, Topped with Mash
with a Dressed Salad & Crusty Bread

Ham, Egg & Chips
Slow Roasted Gammon, Glazed with Honey and Mustard

Beer Battered Cod, Chips & Peas

The Rising Sun Cheeseburger
with Chips & a Dressed Salad

Beer Battered Cod FilletBattered Cod, Served with Chips & Garden Peas

Raspberry Cheesecake & Clotted Cream
Homemade Treacle Tart & Custard
Granny Apple Fudge Cake & Clotted Cream
Homemade Sticky Toffee Pudding & Custard
Hot Chocolate Fudge Cake
with Vanilla Ice Cream or Clotted Cream
Fresh Strawberries & Clotted Cream
3 Scoop Ice Cream
Raspberry Ripple, Chocolate or Vanilla; or a Selection of all three

See the blackboards for seasonal specials of the day